Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Friday, August 15, 2008

My chest hurts. It feels like a whole bunch of animals are going to jump out of it and run around, only to come back in when they are bored. Which reminded me a diddle I wrote once.

there’s a tiger in my mouth
He hides inside my bedroom,
Until I go to sleep.
But when I breathe in through my mouth,
That tiger takes a leap.
He stays in there for a day,
He grips onto my tongue,
He growls at all the passers by
It isn’t very fun!
The passers by, they yell at me
And beat me black and blue.
When he hops out, he thinks were friends.
He doesn’t have a clue.
As mad as I am at my tiger –
I still love him so.
Because he is my bestest friend,
I’ll never let him go.

Friday, August 8, 2008

.thanks for boobs.
when one of my nephews -who will
remain unnamed- was three he
loved touching boobs. eventually
my sister decided he was getting
a little bit old to be touching boobs.
so she told him it had to stop
and he cried:
"but I like boobs"
"because they're squishy"
we all like boobs don't we?
so because we couldn't
get a raffle licence:
This will just remain
an ode to boobs, their owners
and everybody else who
appreciates them.
-silly raffle licences-

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

the first blog. the least words.
Image of the day.

Photograher: Tim Walker